Accomplish More with Support: Steps to Grow an Effective Team

Building an effective team is an essential part of growing your small business.

Many entrepreneurs start off doing everything themselves, but at a certain point, working alone becomes unsustainable. You can’t keep going it alone forever! Not only will you get burnt out as a business owner, but your growth potential will be hampered.
Building a team offers you the freedom and flexibility needed to work toward the vision you have for your business. While your day-to-day operations are handled by your team, you focus on next steps and growth opportunities. Think of the reason you stated your business. You probably wanted to help people, share your talents, or have control over your lifestyle. With a team, you can reach each of these goals more easily and make a bigger impact on your business.

Areas of Your Business That Require Leadership

Consider how your business currently operates. Which areas can use extra support? Which areas need better direction or organization? Which areas do you hope to expand? These areas of your business would benefit from a new team member who can take responsibility for necessary tasks and even propose changes and new efficiencies.

Which role you hire for first will depend on your industry and how you operate. For example, if you’re a staffing firm, you might need to hire a recruiter first. If you run an e-commerce business, it might be beneficial to hire someone to run your website or social media presence. Expand your capacity as a business by adding a team member who will help with the main activities that lead to revenue.

Build Slowly

You don’t need to do it all at once! Grow your team gradually, but start a wish list of roles you hope to add to your business. Build out an org chart depicting how you want to structure your business in the future. As your business grows, this will likely change, but it will help you visualize what a team could look like. Prioritize the roles that you want to add, and slowly build up your team when it makes the most sense financially.

Take the necessary time to find the right people. Quickly adding to your team for the sake of adding to your team will cause more problems than you experienced without an adequate team. Find people who you can communicate with well and who are compatible with your work style. Make sure that the team you hire can get devoted to your goals and your vision for growth. As you add more people to your team, include your existing team in the hiring process. This helps you build a team that can collaborate effectively.

Determine a Structure and Collaboration Style

Determine how your team will collaborate. Depending on your industry and business needs, you can lead a virtual, in-person, or hybrid team. Whatever you decide, make arrangements for this to take place. Prepare an office space and/or digital tools that will make your work easier and more efficient. Schedule regular meetings for your team to come together and calibrate, and think through if these meetings should be structured or fluid.

Early on, focus on developing a collaborative environment for your team. Understand what your team needs to perform well and provide it. Strive for open, clear communication with your team. This helps to create a candid environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and raising their concerns. Take the feedback of your team seriously and let them know they are valued. These efforts will make your team optimally efficient.

Define Your Company Culture and Vision

If you haven’t already, write out your mission statement, vision statement, and company values. These help your employees understand the main priorities of your business, where your business is headed, and how they fit into that journey. Sharing these with your team and taking time to reiterate them helps to keep your team engaged and on the same page.

Decide on the kind of company culture that will fit your business best and intentionally work to develop it. Provide opportunities for your team to get to know each other and grow their skills. Praise your team when they succeed, and talk through opportunities for improvement. Encourage your team to applaud each other and celebrate milestones together. Building your business culture intentionally leads to an environment that supports efficiency and growth.

You don’t need a full-time team to get support!

As your business slowly grows, a Virtual Assistant can help you fill in the gaps and get the support you need while you work to build your team.

Your VA can even help you prepare to grow your team and help your team collaborate with each other. In addition to managing your calendar and scheduling team meetings, they can set up your project manager and other digital tools that enable collaboration. Get support, fast!

6 Amazing Benefits of Working for a Virtual Assistant Agency

Remote working and working from home have become the new norm for many businesses and industries. But these positions were always around before. Working as a Virtual Assistant is a job as old as the internet which has been innovated upon countless times by experienced industry professionals. Working with an agency gives VAs access to years of industry knowledge, continuous support and availability that freelancers can’t get on their own.

Here are 6 great reasons why an aspiring VA should join an experienced agency:

1. Training Offers

If you’re new to being a VA, you don’t have to start from scratch. Joining an agency gives you access to training, mentorships and all the working parts to learn how to do the job and what it entails. Some even offer paid training and fast-track courses that can teach someone new to remote work how to be an expert digital coordinator in no time.

2. Contracts

Self-employment comes with a lot of risks and self-imposed costs. Who’s paying for time off? And how are you finding work by yourself? An agency has benefits, handles offers for and from clients, and can guarantee stable, consistent employment for a higher rate than the freelance average.

3. Support Teams

When you work with an agency, the agency works with you. If you encounter a problem or a program you’ve never used before it can be daunting to figure it out while still performing your job. Agencies offer support staff who are on the job to help you do your job whenever an interesting new issue comes up. They help each other help their clients.

4. Work with Experience

Every company can use a VA, but not every company functions the same. Experience in one field may not transfer cleanly to another. Experienced VAs know what kind of work they excel in best. Working for an agency helps you get the jobs that suit your experience.

5. Job Sources

Even if every industry out in the open job market can find a use for virtual assistance, it’s not likely they’ll need you. The freelance market is overstuffed with equally qualified applicants who work for cost, not quality. An agency’s network provides higher quality with matching costs to businesses, so they don’t have to risk hiring unknowns. You are guaranteed to find good jobs within an agency.

6. Work on Your Time

Working from home means never being too far away from a place where you’re comfortable – or a place where the most common work-stopping issues may occur. For working parents, being a VA can seem like a dream until real life problems create schedule conflicts. Agencies can help you that way as well. They offer work scheduling flexibility to meet your needs in a pinch so you can work to your comfort level without stress.

If you’re ready to work from home as a Virtual Assistant, you don’t have to go it alone. Find yourself a great agency and apply today!

5 Traits to Look for in an Outstanding Bookkeeper

Are you looking for a new bookkeeper? Here are 5 traits that you really want to look for before hiring!
A bookkeeping professional must meet certain characteristics to stand out. In the case of finances, what are 5 traits to look for in an amazing bookkeeper?

The qualities that we are going to list can serve as a reference for someone who is thinking of hiring a new virtual assistant. With the right knowledge, you can hire the perfect match for success!

5 Essential Qualities of a Good Bookkeeper

1. Passion for numbers

Yes, it may sound like a classic, but the reality is that many people do not feel the same motivation from their work as others.

Bookkeepers who truly make a difference are those who love to spend their days between numbers, accounts and balance sheets. In addition, this pushes them to constantly improve themselves, to seek perfection and to be in a process of training and permanent growth.

2. They are informed of what is happening in the world

Someone who works in bookkeeping will need to be aware of what is going on around them. In this sense, knowledge about legislative and tax changes, the national and international economic panorama and, of course, any news that involves the entity for which he or she works are included!

In the same way, we could add a not minor detail referring to the technological update. In a world in which new tools appear every day to make life easier for professionals, a good accountant cannot be stuck in the past. Knowing how to use the most sophisticated software can save you more than one headache as a client, especially when the numbers don’t add up.

3. Communication skills

A good accountant must have good communication skills! This includes charisma, clarity, precision and, of course, patience as well.

There will be many issues to explain again and again. Thus, it is best to know how to express yourself concisely and without ambiguity.

4. Organization and order

It is, without a doubt, an elementary quality. To a large extent, the more organized and detailed a bookkeeper is the better the end result.

Indeed, being detailed will help you to easily spot any errors that might arise on a balance sheet. If your assistant works in a messy office with unsorted paper, surely his work will be significantly affected!

5. Judgment and problem-solving skills

When it comes to business and debt, it is clear that problems can arise. In these cases, a good bookkeeper is one who knows how to advise the client on how to proceed to avoid major inconveniences. To do this, the ability to observe the situation, analyze it deeply and even foresee what might happen (based on concrete data, of course) are fundamental traits to look for in an outstanding bookkeeper.