5 Traits to Look for in an Outstanding Bookkeeper

09 Jun 2022

Are you looking for a new bookkeeper? Here are 5 traits that you really want to look for before hiring!
A bookkeeping professional must meet certain characteristics to stand out. In the case of finances, what are 5 traits to look for in an amazing bookkeeper?

The qualities that we are going to list can serve as a reference for someone who is thinking of hiring a new virtual assistant. With the right knowledge, you can hire the perfect match for success!

5 Essential Qualities of a Good Bookkeeper

1. Passion for numbers

Yes, it may sound like a classic, but the reality is that many people do not feel the same motivation from their work as others.

Bookkeepers who truly make a difference are those who love to spend their days between numbers, accounts and balance sheets. In addition, this pushes them to constantly improve themselves, to seek perfection and to be in a process of training and permanent growth.

2. They are informed of what is happening in the world

Someone who works in bookkeeping will need to be aware of what is going on around them. In this sense, knowledge about legislative and tax changes, the national and international economic panorama and, of course, any news that involves the entity for which he or she works are included!

In the same way, we could add a not minor detail referring to the technological update. In a world in which new tools appear every day to make life easier for professionals, a good accountant cannot be stuck in the past. Knowing how to use the most sophisticated software can save you more than one headache as a client, especially when the numbers don’t add up.

3. Communication skills

A good accountant must have good communication skills! This includes charisma, clarity, precision and, of course, patience as well.

There will be many issues to explain again and again. Thus, it is best to know how to express yourself concisely and without ambiguity.

4. Organization and order

It is, without a doubt, an elementary quality. To a large extent, the more organized and detailed a bookkeeper is the better the end result.

Indeed, being detailed will help you to easily spot any errors that might arise on a balance sheet. If your assistant works in a messy office with unsorted paper, surely his work will be significantly affected!

5. Judgment and problem-solving skills

When it comes to business and debt, it is clear that problems can arise. In these cases, a good bookkeeper is one who knows how to advise the client on how to proceed to avoid major inconveniences. To do this, the ability to observe the situation, analyze it deeply and even foresee what might happen (based on concrete data, of course) are fundamental traits to look for in an outstanding bookkeeper.

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